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About Us

Bohlman Road is a rural road winding its way through the hills above the Saratoga village, gaining about 2000 feet of elevation in the process. A seasonal waterfall and valley views decorate it. A few inches of snow occasionally cover the higher elevations.

We have an active Neighborhood Watch program, and actively care for our neighborhood, as evidenced by our recent award-winning roadside cleanup effort. We have Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch, 408 299 3233, on speed-dial, and report suspicious activity. Santa Clara County Non-Emergency Communications dispatch center is at 408 299 2311.

To report road blockages, search for Santa Clara County Roads and Airports and open a work order. For emergency situations, call 408-366-3100.

Some of us have installed video surveillance, complete with "this area subject to video surveillance" signs. These can be effective.

Our crime rate is relatively low. Protect yourself from mail theft with a sturdy locking mailbox. Monitor these city and sheriff statistics.

Advice to builders

Notes on fire protection

Prepare for evacuation